Car rental guide
Renting a vehicle is a practical and economical way to get around.
Here is a complete guide to a successful rental.

What type of car rental to choose?
Although rental agencies are usually preferred by most customers, the P2P solution is becoming more and more popular. What are their differences in terms of offers and insurance? What are the conditions to be respected before and during a booking? Where to rent a luxury or sports model? When it comes to “traditional” rental agencies, and in addition to short-term rentals, monthly rentals are also on the agenda, as well as the possibility of having a personal driver…
As mentioned before, private car rental, like what’s offered at Drivy, has become an increasingly common alternative to agencies as it is cheaper for the customer and acts as an additional income source for the owner.
Can we rent any car we want?
Luxury cars rental
Rental agencies have luxury cars, of all categories, powers, and energies, but also commercial vehicles. Private rental platforms also accept older models, resulting in a reduced rate and other benefits that louer-voiture.org, among others, thankfully took the time to mention.
Renting from professionals or private individuals can provide access to top-of-the-range or even collector’s cars. Not to mention that there are agencies entirely specialising in luxury and sports cars (McLaren, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, etc.)…
Be aware that the majority of so-called “traditional” rental companies do not put luxurious cars in the hands of young drivers (under 25 years of age and less than three years of driving licence). That’s perfectly understandable, considering the price of these machines.

Renting a car when traveling

Car rental rhymes with freedom and autonomy
Most countries can be easily visited by public transport, but unfortunately this is not the case for all of them. Similarly, travelling by bus or train with your family can be a real nightmare, so it is sometimes better to opt for a car rental. Car rental also offers real freedom and autonomy. We are no longer dependent on a late bus or the search for a taxi to plan our visits. Despite this, car rental can have unpleasant surprises and it is therefore better to be vigilant on many points. For example, you have to test the car before renting it. Teste Auto will tell you more.
Car rental step by step
Booking, reception and return

Booking a car
First of all, you will have to choose a rental agency. Two options are then possible: booking via an international agency or via a small local one. We recommend that you choose an international rental company. Indeed, the vehicles are generally newer but, above all, if you have a problem wherever you are, you can go back to your booking point in your home country.

Receiving your rental car
Most of the time, you will have already paid the full amount of the rental. All you have to do is give your car rental voucher and a credit card for the deposit. You will probably be offered insurance that you can of course refuse. Then comes the most important phase which is discovering the vehicle and checking it. Make sure you have every detail noted on the document.

Return of the rental vehicle
The holidays are over, it’s time to return your vehicle. First of all, check the return schedule carefully or you will be charged an extra day. Then, don’t forget to fill up or drive your car with the same level as at the time of reception. The lessor will then check with you the vehicle condition. If you have not damaged it, sign the return document only if there are no comments…

Rental car insurance
Usually, third-party insurance must be included in the rental price. You should check it out! It covers material
and physical damage caused to a third party and its vehicle even if you are responsible for it…